We are a credible Exporter and Supplier of Embedded Trainer Kit (ET-PIC8X). Embedded Trainer Kit (ET-PIC8X) is an embedded trainer for microchip PIC16F877.
- CPU : Microchip PIC16F877 Microcontroller
- 16x2 LCD module
- Six Seven Segment Displays
- 8x8 LED Matrix Display
- EWSN Status LED's 12 Nos.
- ADC/DAC Interface
- Four Data Switches
- Switch Array
- At24C16 Serial EEPROM
- Stepper Motor Controller Interface
High Performance RISC CPU
- Only 35 single word instructions to learn
- Operating Speed :
- DC - 20 MHz clock input
- DC - 200 ns instruction cycle
- Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH Program Memory, Up to 368 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM), Up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory
Peripheral Features
- Timer0 : 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler
- Timer1 : 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler, can be incremented during SLEEP via external crystal/clock
- Timer2 : 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
- Two Capture, Compare, PWM modules
- Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution is 12.5 ns
- Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution is 200 ns
- PWM max. resolution is 10-bit
- Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) with SPITM (Master mode) and I2CTM (Master/Slave)
- Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/ SCI) with 9-bit address detection
- Parallel Slave Port (PSP) 8-bits wide, with external RD, WR and CS controls (40/44-pin only)
- Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR)
Analog Features
- 10-bit, up to 8 channel Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D)
- Brown-out Reset (BOR)
- Analog Comparator module with :
- Two analog comparators
- Programmable on-chip voltage reference (VREF) module
- Programmable input multiplexing from device inputs and internal voltage reference
- Comparator outputs are externally accessible